Cammy sustained his head injury in 2020 as a result of a severe brain haemorrhage.

Following his injury he was in a coma and spent two months in the Western General before being transferred to the Astley Ainslie hospital to begin his rehabilitation.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Cammy was unable to have any visitors which made life very difficult for him and his family. He was transferred to the Knoll Hospital in Duns as it was nearer to home. This meant he was able to return home at the weekends where he spent quality time with his partner and twin teenage daughters.
However it was not an easy transition for Cammy whose short term memory was badly affected. The effects of his head injury meant that it wasn't safe for him to be left on his own, so he remained in the Knoll Hospital for a year.
The environment was not ideal for Cammy – an ex-rugby player, builder and an outgoing character with lots of personality. Just before Christmas Cammy got the chance to move from the restrictions of hospital to a self-contained flat where he has independence, privacy and support on hand as and when he needs it.
Cammy and his Rehabilitation Worker began meeting for walks, coffee and catch-ups. They agreed they would work on helping Cammy engage in activities in the local community. He is keen to join the local gym to help with his fitness, and is determined to get his life back to some form of normality.
How we helped:
Helped partner to understand Cammy’s head injury
Memory strategies
Ongoing support in the form of talking therapy and socialisation