The work that we do would not be possible without the support from our funders, the multi-agencies who we work alongside, our incredible volunteers, and everyone who supports us in sharing and raising awareness of our projects.
There are many ways that you can get involved in our work, to support us in making a difference to the lives of people and communities experiencing adverse challenges.
Volunteer with us
Volunteers bring significant value to our work, offering time and contributing skills, experience and expertise in some cases to support key roles within our projects and wider organisation.
As you have landed on this page, we want to thank you for your interest in our work, and your consideration for volunteering with us.
Whether you just have minutes to share, months or even years, we commit to supporting you to thrive in your volunteering role with us: to identify and carry out the role that is right for you, and that is aligned with your time and availability, your skills and personal motivations.
And as we support you to flourish in your role with us, we know that your support will make a significant difference to the lives of individuals most affected by hardship, disadvantage and isolation across Scotland and the North East.
Volunteer Case Study
Elizabeth* was 44 when her life was turned upside down. In 2021, she was assaulted, which led to a catastrophic brain injury. She lost her job in the building trade and was discharged from hospital with little or no information about her condition. She lived alone and had nowhere to go for support. DCF’s Borders Brain Injury Service supported rehabilitation across all areas of life, so that she could manage the condition, and reintegrate back into the wider community. Through BBIS, she was able to learn techniques that enabled her to even get back into work, and she has now returned to the building trade a couple of days a week. Elizabeth* feels that by attending the support groups which BBIS offers, she was able to rebuild her life after the brain injury. Elizabeth* shared, “to be in the company of others with similar health problems, helps you realise that you are not alone”.
Elizabeth's* lived experience of brain injury motivated her to support others, in the way that she had been supported. She has now volunteered with the service for just over a year, by offering peer-support to others, and helping to lead group activities.
What are the types of activities I could get involved with?The opportunities are endless! DCF support a wide range of individuals, families and communities; as such, the types of roles and responsibilities that you could get involved with, are extremely varied. These could include: Organising and supporting delivery of drop-in services, recreational and/or group activities. Supporting with befriending and peer-support. Representing Dynamic Community Fusion at events. Providing medical, legal and/or specialist knowledge, expertise, and guidance for our service users, families and local employers. Connecting with others to share experiences. Inspiring, encouraging and mentoring new and potential volunteers. Getting involved in fundraising activities. Supporting with both online and face-to-face communication and engagement for the project. Supporting with social media, marketing and online engagement. Facilitating and speaking at monthly specialist workshops: and sharing your skills and experiences in bespoke roles. Carrying out hospitality tasks such as shopping, catering and welcoming of service users. Supporting with administrative tasks.
How will I be supported?We work tirelessly to support individuals to achieve their full potential, and we are equally committed to the personal growth and journey experienced by our volunteers. We aim to ensure that volunteering will have a positive impact on your health and well-being, enabling you to: thrive and flourish in your own unique roles; gain personal and/or professional value, benefit, and experience from working with us; while enabling you to also contribute in a way that has personal meaning and significance to you. We also ensure that your own expenses are covered by paying for any mileage that you do for us, and providing you with refreshments every time you volunteer with us. Our Staff and Volunteer Manager supports you through: One-to-one coaching, informal catch ups and debriefing whenever required Volunteer profiling: capturing your availability, personal motivations for volunteering, and what you want to get out of your volunteering experience Personal development and training opportunities- if desired Volunteer events and celebration days
I am an ex-service user, and would like to come back to volunteer. Is this possible?Absolutely! We aim to raise a volunteer base that comprises of at least 70% individuals who have a lived or personal experience of poverty, mental health, managing health conditions or facing other adverse challenges. Through your action planning and goal setting as a service user, we will discuss volunteering opportunities with you both internally with DCF, or externally with other organisations. If you decide that you would like to volunteer with DCF, we will train and support you to become a peer-support or befriender; or to get involved in other volunteering opportunities.
How much time would I need to commit to volunteering?There is no minimum or maximum amount of time that we ask of our volunteers. Through our volunteer application process, we work with you to look at your availability and other commitments. We also explore your motivations/reasons for wanting to volunteer, and what you are looking to get out of the experience. Through this process, we support you to consider the different types of volunteer roles that are therefore likely to work with you and fit in with your lifestyle. Some volunteers only get involved with one-off events and activities, while others attend set groups each week.
Can I volunteer if I am in school or college?Definitely- we really encourage young people to get involved and support our work wherever possible; this could be through a combination of placement opportunities or informal volunteering as and when fits in around your studies. We can also support you with further training that complement your studies and volunteering, where necessary. Volunteering will provide you with opportunities for personal development, skills development, and practical work experience.
Do I have to have had direct experience of supporting people?No, we welcome volunteers from all backgrounds and with a range of experiences. We will support you in identifying your skills, so you can progress within a volunteer role that is right for you.
I’d like to volunteer! What are the next steps?That is great news! We would love to discuss this with you and get to know you. Please complete our contact form, and we will get in touch with you. Volunteer Process: Informal discussion Attend a Volunteering event or open day One-to-one session with our Staff and Volunteer Development Manager, to complete the ‘About Me’ Volunteering Form and decide upon the type of volunteering role that best suits you. Attend Volunteer Training. Undertake a DBS/disclosure, paid for by DCF. Agree your volunteer start date. Get volunteering! If at any point in the process, you decide that now isn’t the right time for you to volunteer, we will completely support you in that decision. Our aim is to work with you through the process: to build trust and a relationship with you, so that if you do come aboard, you are equipped with the skills and support you need to fully thrive and make a difference within your volunteer role.
Share your views and contribute toward change
You can support us in developing our projects, through sharing your views and experiences, to help us shape service delivery. This includes taking part in our Focus Groups, discussions, community meetings and events. By getting involved and sharing your experiences, you will help us to continue to develop and improve our services: to identify the emerging and changing community needs, and to explore ways that we can maximise our approach to make the greatest impact.
Partner with us
Become a corporate partner
Contact us to find out about the difference your company can make, and how we can work together to improve the lives of people experiencing adverse challenges in their lives.
We support vulnerable groups to thrive and achieve.
People don’t choose the lives that they are born into. However, every day, we are in control of the choices that we make.
We support adults who are experiencing loss, isolation and loneliness. People who have had an accident that has left their memory and cognition impaired. Children and young people who have lived through abuse and exploitation. Individuals that feel scared for their future.
We are passionate about working with corporates to empower individuals from all walks of life, to be able to self-advocate for their needs; to have the confidence and skills to fulfil their potential in life; and to be able to participate socially and economically in their wider communities.
Make a difference to local people and communities every day
Our programmes work in partnership with healthcare, education, employability and other multi-agencies: to improve the lives of local people, and to bridge the gaps across communities. The work that we do with adults, children and families, will resonate with you, your employees, and your wider clients and customer groups.
By supporting our work, your company will be connected to all areas of community development: addressing and reducing the impact of poverty; reducing health inequalities; improving mental health and wellbeing; and enabling people from all walks of life to equitably access opportunities and strive to participate in their chosen fields of work and enterprise.
Further your strategies and company values
Your employees will likely have a loved one that they care for; a child or a family to support; an elderly relative that they worry about; or a health condition that they are struggling to manage.
As you support us in helping local communities, we will work with you to provide personalised support to your employees: to help them thrive in your workplace, and to ensure they have a safety net of support for when it is most needed.