Street to Trade
Street to Trade is an innovative programme designed to help marginalised young people (aged 10 – 18) engage in enterprising activity and avoid becoming NEET (not in employment, education, training).
Street to Trade
Street to Trade is an innovative programme funded by the Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People's Postcode Lottery.
The Hartlepool-based project aims to engage, educate and inspire young people aged 10-18 who are marginalised, overlooked or at risk of becoming NEET, through enterprising activity along with early intervention support to progress with education and raise aspirations.
The programme offers:
Youth enterprise workshops
One-to-one mentoring
Skills and confidence development
The programme is currently taking referrals from local organisations working with young people experiencing any of the following situations:
Criminal justice, both pre and post conviction
Socially disadvantaged
At risk of engaging in gang related or criminal activity